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Touched by a Sprite Page 9
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Page 9
Kirkyn’s eyes glazed over as the song penetrated his mind, but he turned away with a growl.
“You can’t fight this, Kirkyn,” Baylee murmured, running his hand up Kirkyn’s back. He was strong, the muscles bunching and relaxing beneath his touch. “Turn around.”
Kirkyn faced him, his blue-gray gaze darkening as the haze of lust filled them. “Baylee,” Kirkyn said, his tone almost pleading. “You have no idea what you’re doing. Stop before it’s too late.”
“I know what I’m doing.” He ran his hands up Kirkyn’s chest. He was going to seduce the truth out of him and then enthrall him, so he wouldn’t refuse to do his job. They obviously needed his expertise, or he wouldn’t be here.
Kirkyn touched his fingers to Baylee’s cheek before fisting his hand in Baylee’s hair and dragging him close for a hard kiss. The taste of Kirkyn washed over him, along with the dominance.
Baylee. I want you.
Kirkyn’s telepathic voice snaked through Baylee’s mind. The gris-gris wasn’t working.
“Kirkyn, behave.” Baylee took a few steps back from Kirkyn.
Baylee tried to gain control of the situation, but his head was already clouding with lust. He meant to seduce but not get the man in bed.
“Baylee,” Kirkyn growled, and Baylee shivered.
He could never fight the desire raging inside him for Kirkyn when he did that. It was a sexy sound that was too hard to resist.
“Baylee. Baylee, you’re such a bad boy,” Kirkyn murmured and looked down at him. “You need a spanking.”
“I need to be fucked,” he said, and his palms tingled and dampened. “Touch me.”
“Touch you?” Kirkyn asked, eyes aglow with desire. He moved with preternatural speed, tugging Baylee back to him and turning him to put his back against the wall. Kirkyn leaned in close to him, bracing one arm next to his head.
“Yes.” Baylee heard the words, felt them resound in him, and knew he’d lost control of the situation. The demon was in his power but running his own plays.
Kirkyn claimed Baylee’s mouth with a soft moan, his tongue sweeping inside Baylee’s. He stroked his tongue against Kirkyn’s, savoring the slight hint of mint on him as he deepened the kiss.
Baylee stroked his fingers over Kirkyn’s nape and speared his fingers into his thick, curly, black hair, dragging his head closer. God, he was like a man starved for food. It had been so long since a man had touched him in lust.
Kirkyn broke the kiss, and Baylee let his head roll back against the wall. Kirkyn tugged Baylee’s shirt up and Baylee raised his arms, allowing Kirkyn to push it off and toss it aside.
“I love having your skin bare,” Kirkyn said. “I want to mark you in all kinds of ways.” He raked his sharp-clawed hand up Baylee sides, eliciting a hiss from him, but the pain was a pleasure all its own.
He was addicted to the darker side of sex and Kirkyn knew it, but what could he do?
Kirkyn traced kisses over the column of Baylee’s throat, flicking his tongue in the hollow at the base before nipping him lightly with sharp teeth.
Baylee had seen them before, knew how much he aroused Kirkyn and relished the fact the demon came out to give him what he needed. It had scared him at first, but in this moment, he accepted in anticipation what was to come.
The sharper bite to the side of his neck was followed by a kiss so soft it made his heart beat faster.
“I love the scent of you,” Kirkyn rasped in his ear. “I love the taste of you, but you can stop this. All you have to do is just say blood.”
“Yes,” Baylee breathed out harshly. “I remember, but I don’t want to stop.”
He drew his lips down Baylee’s chest while his hands caressed his sides, whipping up a stronger current of desire inside Baylee. Kirkyn traced one nipple with his tongue before scraping over it with his teeth.
Baylee shuddered, and Kirkyn closed his wet mouth over his flesh, sucking. Kirkyn caught the point between his teeth and bit down, tearing a harsh cry from Baylee.
He knew he was as sick as his family thought him to be, but this was just too good to stop, too good not to enjoy.
He tightened his fingers in Kirkyn’s hair and tugged. “Harder,” Baylee ordered.
Kirkyn bit down even harder, and Baylee gasped at the pain sparking a fire of deepest red inside him.
Kirkyn pinched both nipples before licking over the twin and blowing a stream of air over it. Baylee closed his eyes, reveling in the delights.
Kirkyn sucked the point as he glided his fingers down the fly of Baylee’s pants before closing his hand over his engorged bulge. He grimaced, but Kirkyn knew just how far to push him and released his cock to drag the zipper down.
“I know what you need, Baylee,” Kirkyn murmured. Then, he released the belt of Baylee’s pants and the button. He drew back and turned him around. “Put your hands on the wall, bad boy.”
Baylee shivered and slowly ran his hands up the smooth surface while Kirkyn peeled his pants down, exposing his heated flesh to cool air.
“I want to hear the words, Baylee,” Kirkyn said roughly. “Tell me what you need.”
“I need five lashes for being so bad.”
Kirkyn’s hand landed on his ass, the tap light, and Baylee almost laughed. Kirkyn hadn’t been a stranger to light S&M, but he’d had to train him to what he liked. He was about to order him to hit him harder when he did.
Baylee sighed, the burn making its way to the head of his cock, causing it to jump. “Mmm, Kirkyn. Baby, make me scream.”
He heard the whisper of something and a moment later felt the hard slap of a belt against his ass. He arched against the wall and Kirkyn struck him again and again, whipping up a conflagration in him that threatened to incinerate him.
The next thwack stole his breath, and his head swam as he caressed the wall. He was flying with each tap to his ass, caught in the thrall of dark desire.
“Fuck, I can’t think,” he said.
“You don’t need to, Bay,” Kirkyn drawled in his ear. Then, he smoothed his hand over Baylee’s ass and hit him again before reaching for something.
Baylee rested heavily against the wall, turning his head for a look, but it was too late. Kirkyn’s fingers were gliding down the crease of his ass. A single digit slipped inside the pucker and slid deeper, past the tight ring of muscle.
“Yes, Kirkyn,” he said breathlessly. “I’m so ready for you.”
Kirkyn worked his finger deeper, the pleasure tantalizing. He withdrew the digit and then pressed it back in damper and with a second finger for company before kissing the back of Baylee’s neck.
“I could own you, right now,” Kirkyn said as he thrust his fingers in and pulled them out. “I should do to you what you do to me.”
“Make me higher,” Baylee ordered. “Fuck me now, Kirkyn.” He could barely stand, his knees were like jelly, and his blood was liquid fire.
Kirkyn pushed his fingers deep to work his prostate.
“Shit!” he screamed, almost losing his load. “Kirkyn, stop fucking with me, I can’t wait.”
Kirkyn withdrew his fingers, and Baylee heard the whisper of his zipper and a soft grunt.
It seemed like long moments passed before Kirkyn was pressing the bloated head of his cock to the entrance of his ass.
“Is this what you need? What you crave, Baylee?” Kirkyn slid into him, taking him in a single long stroke.
Baylee caught his breath at the slight burn as the hard cock parted his tight tissues, invading his ass with dominance.
“How does this feel?” He thrust into him, and Baylee moaned. “Do you like that?”
“You know I do,” he muttered. “Your dick is thick, it makes me hard just thinking about it.”
Kirkyn took him in slow, rhythmic strokes, hips moving erotically. Baylee reached back to stroke Kirkyn’s thigh as he moved with him, unable to stay still.
Each thrust pushed him higher, drove him closer to the flame that was his orgasm.
It was always inexplicably good, and only Kirkyn could give such pleasure.
“Baylee,” Kirkyn cried and began to fuck him hard and fast.
“Kirkyn, sweetie,” he said on a ragged breath. “Damn, you feel so good.”
Kirkyn pressed Baylee against the wall and thrust harder into him. He braced one hand on the wall and bent his knees to pound into him.
Baylee let out a hard cry as his orgasm took him over. The colors exploding in front of his eyes fueled his pleasure, and sharp teeth on his back had him shuddering and his head spun while he fought for breath.
The pleasure shattered him.
Kirkyn kissed the back of Baylee’s neck, and Baylee sighed, so satisfied he could barely stand it.
“Where’s Alisa?” Baylee asked softly.
“Do you really want to know?”
“Yes?” Baylee closed his eyes, the afterglow still holding him in its grip.
“She’s someplace you’ll never find her, Baylee.”
Chapter Twelve
Kirkyn backed away from him and zipped his pants as Baylee rounded on him, eyes wide in shock.
“I can’t trust you, mate, and you just proved it by using your song on me. Get cleaned up, so we can get to work.” Kirkyn stalked into the bathroom.
Baylee stared after him, furious. “Kirkyn—”
“The sex is mind-blowing,” Kirkyn cut in as he came to the bathroom door to peer in. “Why should I turn it down when I want it bad enough to beg? But I’m not in your thrall this time. You can never do that to me again.”
Baylee glared at him. “Bastard.”
“Yeah, so what’s new? I’m nothing to you, Baylee, so why should I give you greater priority in my life?”
“I’m going to get Trinity to find your family’s number and tell them what you’re doing,” he snapped.
“You better hurry,” Kirkyn said darkly, and chills went down Baylee’s spine. “Where I put Alisa, she’s either going to run out of air before I check on her or have a fatal accident trying to escape.”
Shaking, Baylee fisted his hand and water formed in his palm. He threw it at Kirkyn and the demon lifted a hand send a jagged bolt of blue at it.
The electrified water glowed blue a moment and then dried before it hit the floor. Kirkyn’s hand glowed blue-gray and his eyes became unreadable pools of icy blue.
Baylee backed away slowly, his instincts screaming not to make any sudden moves. Shoulders rising and falling quickly, he stepped out of the demon’s line of sight.
Then, Baylee pulled his shirt back on and righted his pants. He raced to the door, eager to get to Payten. She should be able to do something about Kirkyn, but he didn’t know what?
The way Kirkyn had treated her, Baylee assumed Kirkyn would probably allow her to get him fired or kill her before he told her a thing.
He was about to pull the door open when someone knocked on it. On the other side, Ennis Wayfaire stood there with a shorter man that exuded watery energy.
Baylee had met him twice when Wayfaire had come out to talk to his cousin and Blade. As he understood it, they were interested in forming an alliance with him in case that demon Drinzel attempted to take over their property.
“Hey.” Ennis gave him a smile. “Is Kirkyn dressed?”
Baylee glared at him. “I don’t know,” he said and tried to get around him, but Ennis countered his moves. “Move.”
“Payten can’t help you, Baylee,” Kirkyn called. “She’ll get me sent home, which will only give me the time I need.”
Ennis gave him a sympathetic look, and Baylee fought back tears that made his throat ache even as water misted the room.
“Help me,” he begged. His heart beat faster, but some small part of him hoped Kirkyn was just fucking with him.
He’d done some crazy things to him in the past, but this would top them all. If Kirkyn murdered Alisa Baylee would never forgive him.
“There really isn’t much I can do,” Ennis said quietly.
“What do you need help with?” his companion asked.
Baylee threw a look to the chocolate man. He was like him, a sprite or a siren. He could tell by the beauty of his face and the almost musical quality of his aura.
“That damned demon has my cousin. She’s pregnant, and he won’t tell me where she is.”
Ennis’s lips pulled into a thin line. “Darik, there is nothing we can do, so don’t go thinking with your heart here.”
“Ennis,” Darik hissed. “That’s what you do, right? You save people from demons.”
“For all intents and purposes, this is his territory. If I interfere, he’d be at liberty to go after my mate,” Ennis said quietly. “His mate’s family has to deal with this.”
Ennis looked over his head to Kirkyn. “Can we talk a minute?”
“Time’s wasting, buddy,” Kirkyn said coldly. “I don’t mind, because I’ll be getting the boot soon. Run along, Baylee, maybe Trinity will help you. Astarte won’t make a move against me until I make one against you.”
He let out a scream, angry with himself for the hunger for Kirkyn that blazed through him, and at Kirkyn.
He shoved his way out, so unsure what to do. He heard a growl from Kirkyn but didn’t stop to see what had caused it.
* * * *
Kirkyn wiped the blood from his nose away. The damned sprite’s dark thoughts had been like a punch. He met the other man’s eyes, finding sorrow in his depths rather than condemnation.
He didn’t want anyone’s pity. He just wanted his mate back.
“Darik, wait downstairs with the others,” Ennis said. “I’m sure you can locate Trin on your own.”
“Don’t let him get away with this,” Darik muttered and retreated.
Ennis stepped inside and closed the door behind him. “Trinity told me he thought you were a shadow about to go rabid.”
“What of it?” Kirkyn asked on a growl.
All shadows weren’t the same. They had the same basic species type, the same color eyes, and they all had the psychic ability of shooting electricity.
They all went mad when their mates left them and certain behaviors signaled the coming change. He’d done nothing to give himself away, but Trinity worked with Wayfaire, and Kirkyn knew Wayfaire was a gray spade shadow, too.
So recognizing the signs of a man of his boss’s breed hadn’t been hard if he was looking.
However, breeding made them different. Kirkyn had been trained in the arts of war and science rather than business as Wayfaire obviously had. As a result, emotion wasn’t a natural part of his decision-making.
Ennis sighed deeply. “You’re already shutting down. I’m surprised you’re still capable of rational thought. How long had you been separated?”
“Long enough for it not to matter anymore,” he said. “I’m here to do a job.”
Ennis nodded. “I know there is nothing I can say, and I won’t attempt to, but have you considered what the old crone will do to you?”
“I know what she’ll try to do, but she and her people can’t stop this. They can stop the death of this region if they don’t attempt to get me fired.”
“My mate is human,” Ennis said. “Our houses aren’t allied, but I’m asking you to help me save him.”
“I already have some ideas.” Kirkyn shrugged. “I’ll share them once I’m done.”
Ennis nodded. “Before you get started with your games, consider how compassion might get him back.”
“He threw it back in my face,” Kirkyn told him. “He wants nothing to do with me. Now, let’s head down and see if I’m going or staying.”
“Why don’t you tell me your plan?” Ennis said.
“Great. Did Trinity pass along my message?”
“He did. Plus, Baraq’s been pretty instrumental in helping us ascertain what’s going on in Bossier,” Ennis replied.
“If Drinzel’s still alive over there, how willing do you think he’d be
to form a temporary alliance with you to get his territory back?”
“I’m not sure, but I don’t think we should count on it. Let’s plan on working with what we know,” Ennis said. “Darik has made friends with the sirens and sprites in our city.”
Kirkyn gave him a look as they reached the stairwell. “Let’s hold off a minute.”
“Where are you from?”
Kirkyn lifted a brow. “Don’t try to get into my head, Wayfaire. I’m not in the mood for male bonding.”
Ennis didn’t speak again as they took the stairs down. When they reached the lounge, Clarity was there with Payten, Azure watching Darik and Trinity circumspectly.
“I’ve contacted your supervisor,” Payten said. “She wants a call from you. I informed her that you weren’t cooperating and that two sprites are missing.”
“You couldn’t have taken Alisa and Blade far,” Clarity said.
Kirkyn slid his phone from his pocket and put in the call to his boss. “Ma’am?” he asked when she answered.
“What are you thinking, Kirkyn?” she demanded. “I asked you to turn this case over to Payten. Do it without the fanfare of male bullshit.”
“I have done it, ma’am,” he said.
“I mean it, Kirkyn. All notes and theories you have. I expect your full cooperation. If you fail to give it, you will be sanctioned.”
“I understand.”
“And the missing sprites?” Bonsai asked carefully. “There was some concern expressed that you might have taken them because of your interest in one of the sprites.”
“Ma’am, Astarte can vouch for the fact I haven’t seen either of them this morning.” That wasn’t exactly true, but it was accurate.
He’d hypnotized them right after Alisa exited Baylee’s room. He’d given them explicit instructions and they should be exactly where he’d told them to be.
She sighed in his ear. “I know your breed can be territorial when you do let your emotions come into play,” she said. “But don’t let your heart get in the way of your life. You’ll be executed if you kill those innocents.”
“I’m aware, but there is no proof of any wrong-doing on my part.” Never would be. He’d learned the arts of deception from demons, not sprites.